With August here we usually think about the dog days of summer, but seeing how we have already had five weeks of them, the trend continues as does our current fishing conditions.
Trout anglers are finding the waters of the upper Manistee and Boardman in the low to mid-60s (depending on overnight temperatures) making for safe fishing. The Tricos have been reliable each morning, but some days they last longer than other days offering some fun match-the-hatch fishing for mostly smaller fish with the occasional bigger fish testing to make sure we are tying good knots in our 6 and 7x tippets.
Terrestrial fishing has been o.k. – it never seems to be great like most people think of when comparing it to out west or the reading they have done on the subject. Still, those larger patterns with rubber legs (“foam and rubber” hatch) will make for some surface/dry fly fishing with mostly smaller fish showing up, but like with the Tricos, we get caught off guard when that big one comes up and slowly eats the fly. In summary, it’s a good time to drop down to 3 and 4 wt rods, keep it simple and enjoy a morning float before the sun gets too high and the fish hide for the day.
Lake and pond fishing has been decent. With the heat came good weed growth and that’s the place to target the bass with those poppers and sliders. Lilly pads, docks, drop offs or places where all three come together makes for some good fishing. Bluegill/Panfish still come to the surface and entertain those learning how to fish as they develop their skills in a still water setting.
Good luck,
New to the Sport? Bass and Bluegill fishing is the perfect way to learn to fish after a quick casting lesson.
Tricos & Terrestrials – A great way to start a summer day. Float and Trout fish the Manistee in July and August.
Fall Steelhead – Some good dates are available in November – a great way to finish a fishing season.