As we get deeper into June the trout fishing remains solid, especially for those looking for match-the-hatch opportunities. The Manistee, Boardman and Au Sable all have been getting decent emergences most nights, but as bugs sometimes go, some nights there are very few bugs.
Look for the last of the Sulphurs, at twilight along with Isonychias, Gray Drakes, Brown Drakes, Little Yellow Sally Stones, Medium Brown Stones, Golden Stones, Bat Flies, and Mahoganies to be mixed in with some caddis. Just a few reports of the Hex have been around in the lower sections of rivers where the big bugs typically begin early in the season, not on the upper sections where the water is cooler. With the cool down in weather I suspect things will need to warm up again for the emergence to get on schedule again.
After quite a few rains the past week, look for the river to be higher than normal and with a little bit of a stain to them but still very fishable.
The local lake fishing continues to offer some really good bass and bluegill fishing. Some big gills are still in shallow water on the smaller lakes as are some largemouth bass looking to eat the smaller bluegill on the end of your line. A rare pike is making an appearance, but those are mostly hiding out in the weeds in a little deeper water. The lake fishing remains a great learning experience for those new to the sport while fun for those with experience.
Carp fishing has been a struggle this year with the cooler water in the bays. Some days we find them, most days we can’t. We are still in pre-spawn mode but with the higher water in the bays, the fish aren’t as predictable as they have been in the past. The smallmouth bass however have been cooperating a little better as the cooler water has prolonged their season and keeping the fish in shallow enough water that we can get a fly to them. Crayfish and minnow patterns have been working well.
Good luck.
Lost and Found: I found a fly rod and reel at 4 Mile Bend Access on the Upper Manistee June 9th. If you are the owner, contact me to identify the make and model and I will see to it that it gets returned.
Trout, Tricos & Terrestrials – Through July and August. A half-day trip on the river is a great way to start the day.
Fall Steelhead – From late Sept. through November, these fish will bend your rod like no other – get your dates.
2017 Fishing – Plan your year around your fishing – get your dates on the calendar, life will fit in around it.