The longer days, return of sunshine and the installation of frost law speed limit signs on the shoulders of highways are indications that it’s Spring Steelhead season.
A late arriving but “old school” winter with lots of snow and cold temps kept winter enthusiasts happy in N.W. Michigan, but the slow thaw these past weeks provided a lot of groundwater and the return of brown to the landscape. Luckily the ground was not frozen and the regional snowpack mostly dripped into the water table without creating too much run-off. As such, the spring fed trout rivers and streams are recharged for the year and our steelhead fishing wasn’t condensed to a couple of weeks before most anglers got out.
The Manistee and Betsie rivers are both running full with temperatures in the mid to upper 30s. There is some color and stain which steelhead prefer as they migrate upstream under it’s cover. However, the brighter days, frankly, make for tough conditions as the fish either go deep or off to the side into wood. Shaded holes and runs, or early and late times of the day can make the difference in success. Majority of the fish have been in the river either over the winter or the past 6 weeks, but a few fresh, bright ones have been moving through the systems and acting a little spunkier when hooked.
Fish have been taking a mix of both eggs and nymphs without much of a common denominator or an outlier catching more fish. More subtle color egg schemes have outperformed the bold bright versions, but as the water is likely to darken with some additional run-off, look for that to change. A few early stoneflies have come off and it’s usually a good time to fish some of those. The usual suspects are always good to have in your fly box during spring steelhead season as we put winter behind us.
Good luck.
Fall Steelhead – Spring season is all booked, but a few dates remain available for the Fall Steelhead.
Trout Fishing – May and June offer some of the best technical dry fly fishing as we chase bugs and browns.
2025 Season – Now booking the entire season for trout, bass, steelhead and salmon – get your dates planned.